I’m still here, my friends

Hi! It’s me. I’m still here. First of all, thanks for being here. I know it’s been a minute since I’ve posted anything on the blog or podcast. I’m so happy to be releasing a new podcast episode and had a lot of fun chatting with my Texan-Bavarian guest. However, I felt like I needed…

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First impressions

We finally made it to New Jersey! What an odyssey it’s been, and I somehow can’t quite believe it’s only been two weeks since we arrived here. It took us three days to drive up from Austin, and by we I mean my husband, my dog and myself, with overnight stops in Little Rock, Arkansas,…

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Der Countdown läuft….

Und wieder ist es soweit, der nächste Umzug wartet auf mich. Momentan befinden wir uns im “Ja ich weiß wir haben kein Ketchup, aber jetzt kaufe ich keine neue Flasche mehr” Stadium. Fast täglich tummeln sich Gedanken wie “das ist wohl das letzte Mal, dass ich diese Straße entlangfahre”, oder “Oh, die Bluebonnets werden dieses…

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The countdown has begun

And here we go again, another move is just around the corner. We’ve begun the “yes I know we’re out of ketchup but I’m not buying a new bottle” stage. Realizing around every corner that “this might be the last time we drive along this road”, and “Oh no, we’re missing the bluebonnets this year”.…

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Year End Musings

Having looked forward to spending the end of the year with our friends and families in Europe, we were crushed when we had to cancel the whole trip an hour before we were supposed to leave for the airport. Covid had thwarted our plans again. But then again, planning travel to multiple countries over Christmas…

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Notes from a Lapsed German

It’s asparagus season in Germany. If you’ve ever been in Germany around this time of year, or know Germans and have heard them talk about the “white gold”, salivating as they were describing it, you know what a big deal this is (and if you don’t, but want to find out more, I recommend this…

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Brain Freeze

I just stumbled upon this draft of a blog post I wrote back in January. I’d forgotten about it, as I think I was planning on adding some finishing touches before publishing it, but then the Big Freeze happened, mid February, and quite dramatically trampled my piddly little Brain Freeze. What actually happened was my…

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